MagnesiumCitrateLarge-imgReasons Magnesium Citrate is the Best Form For Your Body
Here is an interesting fact:

Why Magnesium Citrate Is So Good For You
“You don’t hear much about magnesium, yet an estimated 80 percent of [people] are deficient in this important mineral and the health consequences of deficiency are significant…researchers have now detected 3,751 magnesium binding sites on human proteins, indicating that its role in human health and disease may have been vastly underestimated. Magnesium is also found in more than 300 different enzymes in your body.” (Mercola)

So, that tells us that we have to be sure we are getting magnesium in the diet, and that could mean boosting our consumption of such foods as nuts, seeds, barley, fish, garlic, green leafy veggies, seaweed, flax, dried pumpkin seeds, cocoa, whey, and almond butter. Obviously, that list doesn’t include a substantial number of commonly eaten foods, and that means we have a problem unless we find a supplement that gives us an adequate amount of magnesium.

Fortunately, there are some great options, but you must be aware of what produces the best results. Essentially, what you need is a form of magnesium that is readily absorbed by the body and transported to the cells. That is most often found in the supplements containing known as magnesium citrate.

The Benefits of Magnesium Citrate

This type of magnesium is the most readily absorbed of those available. In fact, it has the best absorption rate over most of the other varieties.

So, what benefits come from a readily absorbed form of this mineral? The list is impressive, and many people are surprised at the importance of this lesser known nutrient. The benefits include:

– Support of cellular energy production – The human body is a complex system, and though it has major organs, vessels, and fluids, none of them are going to function if there is something flawed at the cellular level. The use of magnesium citrate will help the cells to function optimally by providing support to their energy production.

– Stimulates calcitonin (promotes bone health) – Some experts argue that magnesium is almost more important than calcium because of this fact alone. That is because the secretion of calcitonin promotes optimal bone mineralization and introduces calcium into the bone tissue – in other words – without magnesium, bone health could decline sharply.

– Calcium transportation – We cannot forget that it is not just the bones that need calcium, and magnesium is great for supporting healthy transportation and absorption of calcium into cells, blood, and bone.

– Detox – It is now known that magnesium is vital for the detoxification process and is something that anyone in today’s modern world of air pollution, chemical ingredients in everything, and general environmental pollution should give attention to. Magnesium is essential for glutathione synthesis, and this is an antioxidant known for cleansing the body.

– May be effective for diabetes – Research has shown that people with a magnesium deficiency may develop a higher rate of type 2 diabetes. This is because magnesium plays a part in carbohydrate metabolism, and may even have some influence over insulin release. This means it is of the utmost importance for diabetics to consider a supplement as part of their overall health plan.